Is eye surgery a good investment in health?

You save money to cover and meet your financial needs and goals in the future. But also to spend when necessary. And throughout our life cycle, we have to make certain decisions, which are going to be important for our quality of life.

Normally, one thinks that the greatest personal expenditure on health and medical care will be when one reaches old age. But throughout the life cycle, there are also times when you have to invest in health. I am thinking, for example, of dental surgery, cosmetic surgery, and in the case at hand, eye surgery .

I am myopic. So many hours of study and reading in front of books and not least in front of mobile or computer screens, have worn my eyesight. From a very young age I have worn glasses. It was difficult for me to switch to contact lenses, but in the end, I ended up using them. Especially for sports, driving and going out at night.

To work, read and study, always glasses. My eyes were very dry with the contact lenses and I ended up with a headache. So I have always combined both.

For a long time, I thought about having an eye operation. At first it was expensive. And I was leaving it. Then you talked to people who had done it. And everyone told me that they were delighted. So I became a little interested in the subject, but I still hadn’t made up my mind.

Discovering refractive eye surgery

The opinions of most of the people who had had their sight operated spoke wonders. My college friends told me it was the best investment they had ever made. Little less than that had changed their lives and that they even linked more.

But I, who think about things a lot, still had doubts. So I began to investigate and informed myself well. So much so that it could be said that he had entered a paralysis due to excessive analysis. But he knew perfectly all the possible techniques to operate my vision and correct my myopia.

As is often the case, knowing too little is as bad as knowing too much. Laser surgery today is very experienced. And the cost of operations has also gone down a lot. However, I was always afraid of him. Because although in a very small percentage, there were cases in which things did not go well. People who saw blurry or whose diopters were not corrected. The fears were there.

A girl he dated years ago, who was also afraid of lasers, decided on vacation almost without thinking about it to have her eyes operated. So I experienced it up close. Although she did not have much prescription, with the operation she was finally able to recover 100% of her vision quality. She recovered very quickly and her sensations were very good.

Even after that close reference, I was still not convinced to go under the knife. Until one day, accompanying my mother to the RementerĂ­a Clinic in Madrid to operate on her cataracts, I discovered up close and in detail, ICL intraocular lenses. With a small incision, a lens made of biocompatible material is implanted between the lens and the cornea, tailored to each patient. It is a very effective technique in general and, in particular, highly recommended for special cases due to age, thin cornea, high graduation, etc.

With this intervention, they were able to correct myopia and astigmatism. At that time there was not much experience with the technique. But today they have been on the market for more than 25 years and it seemed like a very safe option. Her experience encouraged and reassured me. Above all, because in case of a problem, the ICL lens can be changed or explanted from the eye. In other words, although it is a permanent treatment, the operation is reversible. Something that with the laser is not possible.

Benefits of eye surgery

After thinking about it a lot, in the end I decided to have surgery with personalized implantable lenses. They prepare you with a few drops of local anesthetic and make a small cut through which they insert the flexible lens, which then unfolds and is perfectly accommodated in its position inside the eye. It’s like wearing contact lenses, but inside. Neither seen nor felt. Very fast operation and short postoperative period, without complications. Yes indeed. For my peace of mind, I am very apprehensive, first one eye is operated on and days later the other.

As my friends used to say, the day you have surgery you won’t be able to take the smile off your face. And it’s true. You leave with an excellent quality of vision and very happy. Having my eyesight operated on has been one of the best investments I’ve ever made in my life , without a doubt. And if my prescription changes over the years, I won’t have to wear glasses again. They can reimplant another lens.

That you postpone it because of fears, I can understand. But not doing it for the money is a mistake. As techniques have advanced, the cost is quite reasonable. But in any case, the vast majority of clinics give you facilities. Offering payment in installments or financing. And with what you will save over the years, in lenses, frames, liquids and lenses, believe me, it is a good decision for your long-term personal finances.

You have no idea how much freedom getting rid of your glasses gives you. Surely you no longer remember what it means to get out of bed with perfect vision. And I don’t even want to tell you about the hassle of now wearing glasses and a mask. Definitely worth it.

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